On 12/6/15 10:37 AM, James Laszko wrote:
> We are looking to automate testing of OOB modem connections when our
> NMS detects a site connection failure.  Rather than have a live body
> call a modem number (or even a fax) to see if it answers (to
> determine if there is a potential site power issue), we'd like to be
> able to utilize some "Modem as a service" to automate this.  I've
> exhausted my Google skills trying to see if anything like this
> exists.  Anyone have any experience?

Typically that sort of thing would be implemented as an event handler
driven by the nms

Internet outdial used to be a thing, but probably these days that means
dropping your own modem someplace.

> Thank you,
> James Laszko Mythos Technology Inc 
> jam...@mythostech.com<mailto:jam...@mythostech.com>

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