On Thu, Dec 3, 2015 at 6:02 PM, Jared Mauch <ja...@puck.nether.net> wrote:
> Looking at the most recent IPv6 data available at CAIDA you can see the 
> customer cone size:
> http://as-rank.caida.org/?data-selected-id=15
> Be careful as the tool seems fragile when switching from the 2014-09-01 IPv6 
> dataset and trying to sort by options, it seems to switch back to IPv4 
> silently.
> Prefixes and/or AS’es in customer cone are likely the best measure, but even 
> there Cogent is 2x HE.net.  The only place where he.net leads is the transit 
> degree with is likely distorted because of what you mention above, full 
> tables, etc.
> I find this data interesting and wish there was something more recent than 
> 2014-09-01 to test with.  Perhaps I could do something with all these atlas 
> credits I have.  (or someone could use them for me).
> - Jared

Note their analysis is horribly flawed,
as it suffers from a 32-bit limitation
for counting IPv6 addresses.

I'd love to see them fix their code
and then re-run the analysis.


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