It is on the ground floor, but it is in a hut that has a wood floor that is
raised off the ground.  There is a gap between the bottom of the floor and
the ground.

-----Original Message-----
From: [] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2015 5:13 PM
To: Lorell Hathcock <>
Cc: 'NANOG list' <>
Subject: Re: Environmental Graph Interpretation

On Tue, 10 Nov 2015 16:48:04 -0600, "Lorell Hathcock" said:
> Are there any one the list that would care to take a look at some 
> graphs of temperature, relative humidity and dew point that I have for two
> In one of the two locations, I'm having a problem with the floor 
> getting wet (condensation?).  At the other everything is just fine.

Is your moisture problem on a ground floor?  Note that even well-cured
concrete is like 30% water, and can allow moisture to slowly migrate through
and weep.  Usual cure is application of a proper sealant over the concrete.

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