Are there any one the list that would care to take a look at some graphs of temperature, relative humidity and dew point that I have for two locations. In one of the two locations, I'm having a problem with the floor getting wet (condensation?). At the other everything is just fine. I need to understand what these graphs are telling me about the problem and if a simple dehumidifier would solve my moisture problem. Any takers? Oh, the environmental monitor I installed in each location is the IT Watchdog from Geist Global. I bought the POE version. Installed like a charm and was $229 plus shipping. I do wonder if this question is off topic, but then I can hear myself saying "Hey, I'm Operating a Network, here! In North America!" And then I think, "Yep, on topic!" Thanks, Sincerely, Lorell Hathcock SolStar Network, LLC Communications FIBER - VOIP - SECURITY - TV FTTH - Commercial - Residential Burglar - Access Control 956-478-5955 (cell) - 956-316-4090 (main) <> <> TX License #B19998