On Sun, Nov 1, 2015 at 11:53 PM, Yoann THOMAS <ytho...@castle-it.fr> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> Under a Cloud project I ask myself to use equipment based on the Pica8 or
> Cumulus Networks.
> All in order to mount a Spine & Leaf architecture
> - Spine 40Gbps
> - Leaf in 10Gbps
> Someone of you there a feedback on this equipment.

We've had a lot of success running Cumulus gear in cloudy production
environments.  They're easy to manage with infrastructure automation tools
and perform as well as any other switch with the same hardware.  There are
a few features missing from the current general availability code (VRF is
the main one for us), but the guys and gals at Cumulus are pretty
responsive to requests for new features and I know that VRF is on its way.
The main advantage IMO is the huge price break for 10g and 40g ports when
compared with the other major players.

Ian Clark
Lead Network Engineer

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