> On Nov 1, 2015, at 23:53, Yoann THOMAS <ytho...@castle-it.fr> wrote:

> Under a Cloud project I ask myself to use equipment based on the Pica8 or 
> Cumulus Networks.

We’ve had some great conversations with Cumulus, but more generally, I think 
you need to look at the cloud project’s goals. Those should help inform your 
decision making process. Specifically, what are your SDN and generally, 
networking needs and use cases.

> All in order to mount a Spine & Leaf architecture
> - Spine 40Gbps
> - Leaf in 10Gbps

In a new cloud deployment of any size, you probably want more than 10G to the 
compute servers, especially if you’re carrying storage traffic.

> Someone of you there a feedback on this equipment.
> Regards,
> Yoann THOMAS
> CTO - Castle-IT


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