On 10/26/2015 03:17 PM, Larry Blunk wrote:
As Job Snijders (a fellow Communications Committee member) noted
in an earlier post, we will be implementing some additional protection
mechanisms to prevent this style of incident from happening again. We
will be more aggressively moderating posts from addresses who have
not posted recently, in addition to other filtering mechanisms.
For what it's worth, while I did see all of these that made it through
the list itself, the larger portion that I saw did not come through the
list but were sent directly to me, and the Received header trail shows
that those did not come through the nanog mailman. So I applaud what
you do with the list itself, but it wouldn't have made (and won't make,
in the future) much difference, since e-mails were sent out bypassing
the list server.
And thanks for this note.