Since the weekend's list problems seem to have died down. How about some infrastructure news.
From Russia, Unofficial Assurance about Intent of Lurking Luch Satellite
Russian Ships Near Data Cables Are Too Close for U.S. Comfort

This seems to be a case of "I know you can see me, and I can see you."

Its not new. Multiple countries have demostrated submarine and satellite capabilities over the decades ... more submarines than satellites. But generally everyone has more to lose than gain. What is different is the increasingly public rhetoric.

Occasional satellites or submarine cable disruptions haven't had long term impact on the US mainland due to US connectivity options. Carriers serving the US mainland regularly have outages and repair submarine cable and satellite problems. But countries with less connectivity options could get pushed around more, along the lines of "Make him an offer he can't refuse." Some of the public rhetoric may be for allies.

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