On 21 October 2015 at 21:01, Dave Taht <dave.t...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hey Dave,

> These have been around for a while and looked awesome.
> http://www.rad.com/10/Ethernet-Demarcation-SFP/24944/
> There was a great ad for it to, not sure if it was this one:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMfi4NqlpRs

Based on Baldur's original message, it seems he is aware of these, but
he wants SFP where the control-plane is exposed to him to do what ever
he pleases there. I know Huawei has router-in-SFP called 'ATOM',
unsure if it's VRP based or something smaller, but I don't think it
meets Baldur's use-case either.
There is clearly nothing stopping from having general purpose PC on
SFP, but there may be insufficient demand. I'm sure if you'll order
1000 of them, someone will make them in non-terrible price.

Another SFP+ I'd be interested is, is subrate SFP+, which turns your
10GE port into 10/100/1000 port. Very annoying if after upgrade cycle,
for that one port in pop, you need to chain  additional switch.
I think for this subrate SFP+ there would be market which would
justify ordering some volume of them.


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