On 20 October 2015 at 01:42, Chip Marshall <c...@2bithacker.net> wrote:

> See page 4 on the spec sheet:
> http://www.juniper.net/assets/us/en/local/pdf/datasheets/1000531-en.pdf
> No idea what's involved with packaging the VM and getting it there, but
> should open up some interesting possibilties.

What are those possibilities? How can you leverage VM in your
router/switch? Do you have access to the high performance NPU? Or some
high-performance link to forwarding-plane?

If it's just plain old VM in server, why would you want to save 1kUSD
on installing compute to the rack and add complexity/risk to your
network infrastructure? JunOS, IOS-XR are very fickle already and fail
on the darnest things, I'd be very hesitant to put random VM there
without extremely compelling justification.


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