That reminds me of a story.

Once a teacher gave each of his students a tube of toothpaste. He said
"Squeeze all of the toothpaste out of the tube on to your desk." The kids
laughed and did it, making a giant mess and having a ball. When things
settled down, the teacher said "Now put all of the toothpaste back into the
tube." The kids fell silent. A few of them even tried the futile task.

Then the teacher said "The toothpaste is the Internet. Once it's deployed,
it is nearly impossible to put it back the way it was."*


* OK, the teacher said "The toothpaste are your words. Once they come out,
you can't put them back in." Or something. My storytelling skills need

On Thu, 1 Oct 2015, jungle Boogie wrote:

On 29 September 2015 at 13:37, David Hubbard
<> wrote:
Had an idea the other day; we just need someone with a lot of cash
(google, apple, etc) to buy Netflix and then make all new releases
v6-only for the first 48 hours.  I bet my lame Brighthouse and Fios
service would be v6-enabled before the end of the following week lol.

Let's just put less stuff on the internet and revert pre-internet days.

inum: 883510009027723

Peter Beckman                                                  Internet Guy                       

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