
On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 10:20:19PM +0200, Pavel Dimow wrote:
> recently I have been tasked with a NMS project. The idea is to pool about
> 20 OID's from 50k cable modems in less then 5 minutes (yes, I know it's a
> one million OID's). Before you say check out some very professional and
> expensive solutions I would like to know are there any alternatives like
> open source "snmp framework"? To be more descriptive many of you knows how
> big is the mess with snmp on cable modem. You always first perform snmp
> walk in order to discover interfaces and then read the values for those
> interfaces. As cable modem can bundle more DS channels, one time you can
> have one and other time you can have N+1 DS channels = interfaces. All in
> all I don't believe that there is something perfect out there when it comes
> to tracking huge number of cable modems so I would like to know is there
> any "snmp framework" that can be exteded and how did you (or would you)
> solve this problem.

You might wish to check out https://github.com/tobez/snmp-query-engine
(disclosure: I am the author).

Some scripting is needed to instruct it to do the polling and fetch the
collecting results.  Currently there are only bindings for Perl
but bindings for other dynamic languages should be pretty straightforward.

We routinely use it to collect comparable quantities of OIDs.

Our society can survive even a large amount of irrational regulation.
  -- John McCarthy

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