* rdobb...@arbor.net (Roland Dobbins) [Wed 02 Sep 2015, 12:12 CEST]:
On 2 Sep 2015, at 16:48, Mark Tinka wrote:
Those VLAN's and VRF's are following the same path as the global
table, just in a different routing table. That is easy, and we do
that already.
Sure. But it's better than mixing it in with customer traffic.
Why? Do your customer packets have cooties?
Your assertion, before, was that the OoB network is physically
separate from the routers it is supporting. This is less feasible
at scale.
Ideally, it should be - that's what I was trying to get across. I
understand that this isn't free, either from a capex or opex
Which is exactly the argument that people with experience have been
making on this mailing list.
OOB is the 3G dialout on a terminal server that it uses once its
regular outside connection fails. You don't want flow exports there,
to give just one counterexample to your earlier assertions.
-- Niels.