Which is odd. Considering it was basically gmail on the back end and they still 
got ad revenue from it. 

> On Aug 24, 2015, at 08:34, Scott Helms <khe...@zcorum.com> wrote:
> Ryan,
> Most certainly, the charges varied some  because of size and other factors
> but it was around 25 cents monthly per Gmail box.
> Scott Helms
> Vice President of Technology
> ZCorum
> (678) 507-5000
> --------------------------------
> http://twitter.com/kscotthelms
> --------------------------------
>> On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 1:43 AM, Ryan Finnesey <r...@finnesey.com> wrote:
>> Was Google charging ISPs for this service?
>> Cheers
>> Ryan
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: NANOG [mailto:nanog-boun...@nanog.org] On Behalf Of Gary Greene
>> Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2015 2:18 PM
>> To: Shawn L <sha...@up.net>
>> Cc: nanog <nanog@nanog.org>
>> Subject: Re: Google Apps for ISPs -- Lingering fallout
>> You’ll need to escalate this with Google. If the front-end support team
>> cannot help, move up the chain as far as you can. It should eventually
>> reach the PM that worked on the turn-down of that service and get some
>> action.
>> --
>> Gary L. Greene, Jr.
>> Sr. Systems Administrator
>> IT Operations
>> Minerva Networks, Inc.
>> Cell: +1 (650) 704-6633
>>> On Aug 18, 2015, at 10:39 AM, Shawn L <sha...@up.net> wrote:
>>> I know there are others on this list who used Google Apps for ISPs and
>> recently migrated off (as the service was discontinued).
>>> We have had several cases where the user had a YouTube channel or Picasa
>> photo albums, etc. that they created with their Google Apps for ISPs
>> credentials.  Now that the service is gone, those channels and albums still
>> exist but the users are unable to login to them or manage them in any way
>> because it tells them that their account has been disabled.
>>> Of course, Google had been un-responsive to all of our (and the
>> customer's) inquiries about how to fix this.
>>> Has anyone else run into this and found a way around it?
>>> thanks
>>> Shawn

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