Hi, As for SORBS, I'm not aware of anyone that uses it these days because of > the extortion thing and the rather ..ahem .. "eccentric" nature of it's > owner. >
and > I see you've never had the pleasure of dealing with SORBS. All it takes is > *ONE* message - EVER - to be instantly, and forever, listed in their > spamtraps list. Getting on the list is automatic and immediate. There are > no thresholds or limits; and there's expiration. The only way off that > list is to PAY them to remove you. (which makes it illegal in most places. > The corporate sharks flipped when I pointed them to that "policy".) I work for Proofpoint -- we acquired SORBS back in 2011. There is obviously some incorrect / very outdated information / viewpoints here, so I thought it would make sense to clear the air a bit: Listings can happen a number of different ways, however the vast majority of these can be resolved, either through automatic delisting, or manual delisting (via SORBS support ticket). Additionally, there is NO CHARGE to be delisted. I'm happy to help mitigate any issues -- feel free to hit me up off list -- jangerba...@proofpoint.com Thanks --Jaren