> On Jul 14, 2015, at 4:46 PM, Stephen Satchell <l...@satchell.net> wrote: > > This goes back a number of years. There was a product that literally was a > cardboard box that contained everything one needed to get started on the > Internet. Just add a modem and a computer, and you were on your way. No > fuss, no "learning curve". > > I'm beginning to think that someone needs to create a similar product, but > for IPv6 internet. The Internet service providers would provide the same > sort of kit to get people started. Just add a CSU/DSU (like a cable modem) > and a computer, and you are on your way. > > Also, I think we need a *real* book called "IPv6 for Dummies" (maybe even > published by IDG Books) that walks through all the beginner stuff. There's > beginner stuff that I've seen by using a search engine; a dead-tree book, > though, may well be better for Joe Average.
If a consumer internet connection works I wouldn't expect the typical user to have to know that IPv6 exists, let alone anything about it. If you need to manually see anything at that level then hasn't the ISP, OS vendor or app developer done something horribly wrong? IPv6 for dummies for app developers and small ISPs, OTOH ... Cheers, Steve