They've been getting 5150 - 5250 approval. DFS, IIRC, has yet to happen. Well, 
in their AirMax line, of which the UniFi will be similar internally. They 
didn't have any problem with their airFiber line, which is completely FPGA. 

Mike Hammett 
Intelligent Computing Solutions 

Midwest Internet Exchange 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Jared Mauch" <> 
To: "James Hartig" <> 
Cc: "NANOG list" <> 
Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2015 7:05:51 PM 
Subject: Re: Whats' a good product for a high-density Wireless network setup? 

On Jun 20, 2015, at 7:27 PM, James Hartig <> wrote: 

>> The thing you need to watch out for with Ubiquiti is that they don't 
>> support DFS, so the entire U-NII-2 channel space is off limits for 5 GHz. 
> The UniFi UAP-AC unit has not been cleared for DFS but looks like the UAP 
> Outdoor has. I own a few UAP-AC v2's and I can confirm with the latest 
> firmware (3.2.12) there is no support for DFS channels. 
> Source: 

UBNT went through much of 2013-2015 without many devices passing tests outside 
the ISM band. They seem to have changed who they do testing with, and combined 
with the rule changes at the FCC and correspondingly IC they were not equipped 
to handle that until this year it seems. 

They still have a huge backlog of DFS certifications which seem to be slowly 
getting approved as they pass testing. 

- Jared 

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