God idea , but , yes we did - no loops all are spokes - we know cabling
and setup our switches and routers to syslog those events.
Thank You
Bob Evans

> Have you done a network analysis for viruses or bridge loops? This could
> be a broadcast storm caused by either of those network faults.
>  -mel
>> On Jun 19, 2015, at 10:08 AM, Sam Tetherow <> wrote:
>> Only have 1 Pro on my network and it hasn't given me any issues, several
>> of the original AP and AP-LR as well without issues.
>> What is the uptime on the AP?  You should be able to ssh into the APs
>> using the controller username and password.  It is a linux base so
>> 'uptime' will tell you.  You can also check for ethernet errors using
>> 'ip -s link' on the AP side.
>> On 06/19/2015 11:45 AM, Bob Evans wrote:
>>> We have all APs set with static addresses. EdgeMax only hands out IPs
>>> to
>>> clients using the APs.
>>> This happens when people are using the APs and when no one is even in
>>> the
>>> building  at 2am when there are no clients connected. It can happen to
>>> one
>>> then 5 hours later it happens again...then doesn't happen again for 12
>>> hours. Totally random no interval.
>>> It is nice to know that others have no issues with these UniFi AP Pros.
>>> They seem to be fine except for the 2 mins or so they randomly drop
>>> link
>>> and reboot themselves. All are on APC UPSes and other devices in the
>>> same
>>> switch , like voip phones, never drop the ports.
>>> They are all new, delivered in various batches over time. We checked
>>> and
>>> all are the latest versions.
>>> Bob Evans
>>>> The IP can change on the UniFi without having to re-adopt or
>>>> re-provision.  APs are identified by MAC address at the UniFi protocol
>>>> level (not layer 2).
>>>> On 06/19/2015 09:09 AM, Naslund, Steve wrote:
>>>>> Here is another though.  If your APs are re-provisioning every eight
>>>>> hours, what is your DHCP lease time?  Are you sure the APs are able
>>>>> to
>>>>> renew their leases (if not, could your scope be full)?  Do you see
>>>>> the
>>>>> IP addresses on the APs changing when they come back up?  These could
>>>>> indicate a DHCP server issue.  If the AP gets a new IP address it
>>>>> will
>>>>> likely have to be re-adopted to the controller.  You might want to
>>>>> static address one or more APs to test this theory.
>>>>> Steven Naslund
>>>>> Chicago IL

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