This is very helpful information.
We will be implementing these steps.
Thank You
Bob Evans

> On 6/19/15 12:26 PM, wrote:
>> <snipped comments about much cpe sadness>
>>> These two issues alone have caused me major issues with the devices
>>> randomly being unable to get new configurations or download firmware
>>> updates.
>> Question. Once they have connected and are "happy", do they drop off (re
>> provision) like Bob is mentioning?
>> I'm still not entirely sure what is meant by "re provision". I've not
>> seen it answered in the thread.
> Reprovisioning with Unifi happens any time you make a configuration
> change.  The next time the device does it's check-in (don't remember how
> often it checks in, but its at least once a min), the UAP will get a
> copy of its updated configuration, load it, then activate the changes
> (and reboot if necessary).
> If the device never goes out of provisioning state, then it hasn't
> managed to pull its configuration or firmware properly and will likely
> keep trying.
> When the device is having complete connection issues, it will show up as
> Disconnected rather then Provisioning in the controller.
> Useful thing I've done - when a device is randomly having issues with
> provisioning, I'll setup the remote syslog option in the config, and
> have it remote log to my controller's syslog.  Usually, it will dump
> exactly the reason why its failing the provision to syslog, making it
> easier to diagnose.
>>> I'm the head mod for /r/Ubiquiti, so feel free to bounce things off of
>>> me privately with your Unifi setup,
>> Didn't know that sub reddit existed. Awesome.
> Its not as busy as the forums, but there's sometimes good info there.
> There's also the IRC channel as well, which has a mix of users and some
> Ubnt employees.
> --
> Brielle Bruns
> The Summit Open Source Development Group
>    /

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