I was actually told July 6 or 9 in my email (which was delivered to that
unmonitored mail box like you).  I told customers July 1.  We lost it June

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 12:10 PM, Shawn L <sha...@up.net> wrote:

> I'm replying on-list since it seems like a lot of people are in the same
> boat.
> Here's a summary of what happened to us.  Please feel free to jump in if
> you had a different experience, or have more information.
> Google sent us a notice in December that as of June 8 they would be
> discontinuing the Google for ISPs program and that we had to find a
> different e-mail provider.  Unfortunately, they only sent this notice to
> the account that initially created the service, which was un-monitored.
> I have heard the same thing from others.  They did not include a notice
> about the discontinuation in their monthly billing, only in e-mail and only
> to the account that initiated the google service.
> We actually found out about it some time in February.  I spoke with the
> Google contact listed in the e-mail and was told that they were indeed
> cancelling the service, but wasn't given a reason.  We also asked if it was
> possible to move to a different Google service, Google Apps for Business
> for example, but was told that it would be against their terms or service
> and would result in a cancellation of the service.
> After a lot of research in Google's forums, it looked like a lot of other
> people were in the same boat we were.  We ended up talking with another
> e-mail provider and migrating all of our mail.  Several weeks ago we asked
> Google for an extension because the migration was taking longer than
> expected.  We were given until the 16th of June and told that no further
> extensions would be given.  I have spoken to one person who was given until
> the end of June.
> Here is the original notice we received from google.  I hope this helps
> others in the same boat
> December 10, 2014
>  [ your-domain,com ]( http://baragatelephone.com )
>  Subject: Notice of Non-Renewal of The Google Apps - ISP Partner Edition
> Agreement.
>  Dear Administrator,
>  Thank you for being a Google customer and for using Google Apps Partner
> Edition (collectively, "Partner Edition").
>  As part of Google's integration plans, we have elected to discontinue
> providing the Partner Edition Services going forward. As provided in the
> Agreement between Google Inc. and [ your-domain.com ](
> http://baragatelephone.com ), this letter serves as your formal notice
> that the Services will not be renewed, and our Agreement with you will
> terminate on June 8, 2015.
>  Any other Google services you have purchased (or resold, if applicable),
> in addition the Partner Edition product and services, will not be affected
> by this change. Please also note that this notice of non-renewal does not
> relieve you of any payment obligations you may have under the current
> Agreement and that you remain responsible for remitting any such owed
> payments in full by the applicable invoice due date for the Services.
>  We have prepared an Administrator transition resource website ([
> https://support.google.com/appstransition/go/admin ](
> https://support.google.com/appstransition/go/admin )) and an End User
> resource website ([ https://support.google.com/appstransition ](
> https://support.google.com/appstransition )) to assist you through the
> transition. This resource center presents some of the migration options
> available to you and provides instructions that you can share with your
> customers.
>  We regret any inconvenience this may cause, and thank you again for your
> business. If you have any questions, please contact your Account Manager
> below.
>  Account Manager:  John Coull
>  Phone Number: [ 212- 565-3131 ]( tel:212-%20565-3131 )
>  Email Address: [ joh...@google.com ]( mailto:joh...@google.com )
>  Sincerely,
>  Omid Kordestani
>  Chief Business Officer
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Marciano Lopes" <marciano.lo...@gsurfnet.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 11:48am
> To: "Shawn L" <sha...@up.net>
> Subject: Re: Google contact?
> Hello Shawn!
>  They cancelled ours as well.
> What we can do?
> Thanks!
> Atenciosamente,
> Marciano Lopes
> Fixo (48) 3254-8700 Ramal 6272
> Móvel (48) 9125-5081
> Atendimento 24h 0800-644-4833
> 2015-06-17 12:15 GMT-03:00 Shawn L <[ sha...@up.net ]( mailto:
> sha...@up.net )>:
>  Google cancelled their ISP program as of the 8th of June.
>  Feel free to contact me off-list for more info.  They cancelled ours as
> well.
>  -----Original Message-----
>  From: "Christopher Tyler" <[ ch...@totalhighspeed.net ]( mailto:
> ch...@totalhighspeed.net )>
>  Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 9:28am
>  To: [ nanog@nanog.org ]( mailto:nanog@nanog.org )
>  Subject: Google contact?
>  Need some help.. Does anyone have an email contact at Google that they
> are willing to pass along?
>  All of our [ mowisp.net ]( http://mowisp.net ) Apps for ISP accounts
> were disabled last night at about 8-9PM without notice and we are now
> getting swamped with calls. Possibly several hundred users affected.
>  --
>  Christopher Tyler
>  Total Highspeed Internet Services
> [ 417.851.1107 ]( tel:417.851.1107 )

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