I'm replying on-list since it seems like a lot of people are in the same boat. 
Here's a summary of what happened to us.  Please feel free to jump in if you 
had a different experience, or have more information.
Google sent us a notice in December that as of June 8 they would be 
discontinuing the Google for ISPs program and that we had to find a different 
e-mail provider.  Unfortunately, they only sent this notice to the account that 
initially created the service, which was un-monitored.    I have heard the same 
thing from others.  They did not include a notice about the discontinuation in 
their monthly billing, only in e-mail and only to the account that initiated 
the google service.
We actually found out about it some time in February.  I spoke with the Google 
contact listed in the e-mail and was told that they were indeed cancelling the 
service, but wasn't given a reason.  We also asked if it was possible to move 
to a different Google service, Google Apps for Business for example, but was 
told that it would be against their terms or service and would result in a 
cancellation of the service.
After a lot of research in Google's forums, it looked like a lot of other 
people were in the same boat we were.  We ended up talking with another e-mail 
provider and migrating all of our mail.  Several weeks ago we asked Google for 
an extension because the migration was taking longer than expected.  We were 
given until the 16th of June and told that no further extensions would be 
given.  I have spoken to one person who was given until the end of June.
Here is the original notice we received from google.  I hope this helps others 
in the same boat
December 10, 2014
 [ your-domain,com ]( http://baragatelephone.com )
 Subject: Notice of Non-Renewal of The Google Apps - ISP Partner Edition 
 Dear Administrator,
 Thank you for being a Google customer and for using Google Apps Partner 
Edition (collectively, "Partner Edition").
 As part of Google's integration plans, we have elected to discontinue 
providing the Partner Edition Services going forward. As provided in the 
Agreement between Google Inc. and [ your-domain.com ]( 
http://baragatelephone.com ), this letter serves as your formal notice that the 
Services will not be renewed, and our Agreement with you will terminate on June 
8, 2015.
 Any other Google services you have purchased (or resold, if applicable), in 
addition the Partner Edition product and services, will not be affected by this 
change. Please also note that this notice of non-renewal does not relieve you 
of any payment obligations you may have under the current Agreement and that 
you remain responsible for remitting any such owed payments in full by the 
applicable invoice due date for the Services.
 We have prepared an Administrator transition resource website ([ 
https://support.google.com/appstransition/go/admin ]( 
https://support.google.com/appstransition/go/admin )) and an End User resource 
website ([ https://support.google.com/appstransition ]( 
https://support.google.com/appstransition )) to assist you through the 
transition. This resource center presents some of the migration options 
available to you and provides instructions that you can share with your 
 We regret any inconvenience this may cause, and thank you again for your 
business. If you have any questions, please contact your Account Manager below.
 Account Manager:  John Coull
 Phone Number: [ 212- 565-3131 ]( tel:212-%20565-3131 )
 Email Address: [ joh...@google.com ]( mailto:joh...@google.com )
 Omid Kordestani
 Chief Business Officer

-----Original Message-----
From: "Marciano Lopes" <marciano.lo...@gsurfnet.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 11:48am
To: "Shawn L" <sha...@up.net>
Subject: Re: Google contact?

Hello Shawn!
 They cancelled ours as well.

What we can do?

Marciano Lopes
Fixo (48) 3254-8700 Ramal 6272
Móvel (48) 9125-5081
Atendimento 24h 0800-644-4833

2015-06-17 12:15 GMT-03:00 Shawn L <[ sha...@up.net ]( mailto:sha...@up.net )>:

 Google cancelled their ISP program as of the 8th of June.

 Feel free to contact me off-list for more info.  They cancelled ours as well.

 -----Original Message-----
 From: "Christopher Tyler" <[ ch...@totalhighspeed.net ]( 
mailto:ch...@totalhighspeed.net )>
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 9:28am
 To: [ nanog@nanog.org ]( mailto:nanog@nanog.org )
 Subject: Google contact?

 Need some help.. Does anyone have an email contact at Google that they are 
willing to pass along?
 All of our [ mowisp.net ]( http://mowisp.net ) Apps for ISP accounts were 
disabled last night at about 8-9PM without notice and we are now getting 
swamped with calls. Possibly several hundred users affected.

 Christopher Tyler
 Total Highspeed Internet Services
[ 417.851.1107 ]( tel:417.851.1107 )

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