Let's call off the witch hunt.


I get it, you want a DHCPv6 client.  "Star" the project or whatever you
think the right intake process is for an Android feature.

On Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 2:51 PM, Paul B. Henson <hen...@acm.org> wrote:

> > From: Lorenzo Colitti
> > Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 8:27 AM
> >
> > please do not construe my words on this thread as being Google's position
> > on anything. These messages were sent from my personal email address,
> and I
> > do not speak for my employer.
> Can we construe your postings on the issue thread as being Google and/or
> Androids official position? They are posted by lore...@google.com with a
> tag of "Project Member", and I believe you also declined the request in the
> issue under that mantle.
> If your postings on the issue thread are not authoritative for Google,
> could you possibly put us in contact with who as Google could make an
> official statement as to why they are refusing to implement an accepted
> Internet standard already deployed by their competitors, the lack of which
> will directly harm their users?

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