Yeh, we get it.  Repeating yourself is not helpful. The horse is dead ....

Please move your android feature request to a forum more fit for your

On Thursday, June 11, 2015, Paul B. Henson <> wrote:

> > From: Laszlo Hanyecz
> > Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2015 4:42 PM
> >
> > from the university net Nazis
> Wow, it must be nice to live in a fairyland utopia where there is no DMCA,
> no federal laws such as HEOA, and a wide variety of other things you
> clearly
> know nothing about that require universities to be able to track their
> users
> and manage their networks.
> > attacking DHCP is not the right one, but it sounds like his goal is to
> make IPv6
> > better than how IPv4 turned out.
> I don't think a single person here has a goal of making IPv6 worse, nor
> necessarily has any objection to the improvements he has suggested. OTOH, I
> think the number of people who think he is making a good decision in
> refusing to implement DHCPv6 is practically nil.
> > diplomatic way, I admire his courage in posting here and trying to reason
> with
> > the mob.
> If he really wants to validate his position on not implementing DHCPv6,
> maybe he should approach all of the other vendors who already did and get
> them to remove it. Being the one and only holdout on implementing a widely
> deployed Internet standard looks more like lunatic fringe than visionary
> leader 8-/.

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