In message <>, Michael Thomas writes:
> On 06/09/2015 08:37 PM, Karl Auer wrote:
> > On Tue, 2015-06-09 at 23:09 -0400, wrote:
> >> How does the device ask for a *second* DHCPv6'ed address for tethering or
> >> whatever?
> > RFC 3315 says you just chuck in multiple IA_NA (or IA_TA) options. The
> > server will respond with multiple addresses.
> >
> > And if a device makes a second (, third, fourth, ..) request with a
> > different DUID, it'll get a second (,third, fourth,...) address oo, I
> > guess.
> Wouldn't the right thing to do is have the provider support dhcp prefix 
> delegation, and the tether can run
> dhcp for its clients? (or even slaac?)

Yes.  Providers should support both IA_NA and PD.

Tethering could have been done properly with PD at the time but it
was decided to leave PD to the next round of the phone spec. as as
a result there was all the prefix sharing kludges.

> Mike
Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
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