On 5/31/15, 3:11 PM, "Owen DeLong" <o...@delong.com> wrote:

>if they said “We have a plan, and it will take X amount of time”, I would
>respect that.
>If they said “We have a plan and we’re not sure how long it will take”, I
>would continue to poke
>them about sooner is better than later and having a target date helps
>people to plan.
>“We don’t think IPv6 matters and we aren’t announcing any plans to get it
>implemented or any
>date by which it will be available”, on the other hand, being what they
>have actually repeatedly
>said to me until very recently, not so much.
>Now, they’re saying (essentially) “We think IPv6 might matter, but we
>aren’t announcing
>any plans to get it implemented or any date by which it will be
>available” .  To me, this
>is still a problematic situation for their customers.

At the risk of feeding the troll...

This isn't just an AWS problem.

"All Compute Engine networks use the IPv4 protocol. Compute Engine
currently does not support IPv6. However, Google is a major advocate of
IPv6 and it is an important future direction."

"The foundational work to enable IPv6 in the Azure environment is well
underway. However, we are unable to share a date when IPv6 support will be
generally available at this time."


This is only marginally better, as it acknowledges that it's important,
but still has no actual committed timeline and doesn't even reference any
available ELB hacks.

Anyone else want to either name and shame, or highlight cloud providers
that actually *support* IPv6 as an alternative to these so that one might
be able to vote with one's wallet?

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