Since your network has IPv6, I fail to see the issue.

Nobody is anywhere near being able to go single-stack on IPv6, so AWS is just 
another network your customers will continue to reach over v4. So what?

Heck, if v6 support from a cloud hosting company is so important, I see a great 
business opportunity in your future.

Matthew Kaufman

(Sent from my iPhone)

> On May 31, 2015, at 10:57 AM, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
> Sigh…
> IPv6 has huge utility.
> AWS’ implementation of IPv6 is brain-dead and mostly useless for most 
> applications.
> I think if you will review my track record over the last 5+ years, you will 
> plainly see that I am fully aware of the utility and need for IPv6.
> <>
> My network (AS1734) is fully dual-stacked, unlike AWS.
> If AWS is so convinced of the utility of IPv6, why do they continue to refuse 
> to do a real implementation that provides IPv6 capabilities to users of their 
> current architecture.
> Currently, on AWS, the only IPv6 is via ELB for classic EC2 hosts. You cannot 
> put a native IPv6 address on an AWS virtual server at all (EC2 or VPC). 
> Unless your application is satisfied by running an IPv4-only web server which 
> has an IPv6 VIP proxy in front of it with some extra headers added by the 
> proxy to help you parse out the actual source address of the connection, then 
> your application cannot use IPv6 on AWS.
> As such, I stand by my statement that there is effectively no meaningful 
> support for IPv6 in AWS, period.
> AWS may disagree and think that ELB for classic EC2 is somehow meaningful, 
> but their lack of other support for any of their modern architectures and the 
> fact that they are in the process of phasing out classic EC2 makes me think 
> that’s a pretty hard case to make.
> Owen
>> On May 31, 2015, at 9:01 AM, Blair Trosper <> wrote:
>> Disagree, and so does AWS.  IPv6 has a huge utility:  being a universal, 
>> inter-region management network (a network that unites traffic between 
>> regions on public and private netblocks).   Plus, at least the CDN and ELBs 
>> should be dual-stack, since more and more ISPs are turning on IPv6.
>> On Sun, May 31, 2015 at 8:40 AM, Owen DeLong < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> I wasn’t being specific about VPC vs. Classic.
>> The support for IPv6 in Classic is extremely limited and basically useless 
>> for 99+% of applications.
>> I would argue that there is, therefore, effectively no meaningful support 
>> for IPv6 in AWS, period.
>> What you describe below seems to me that it would only make the situation I 
>> described worse, not better in the VPC world.
>> Owen
>>> On May 31, 2015, at 4:23 AM, Andras Toth < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> Congratulations for missing the point Matt, when I sent my email
>>> (which by the way went for moderation) there wasn't a discussion about
>>> Classic vs VPC yet. The discussion was "no ipv6 in AWS" which is not
>>> true as I mentioned in my previous email. I did not state it works
>>> everywhere, but it does work.
>>> In fact as Owen mentioned the following, I assumed he is talking about
>>> Classic because this statement is only true there. In VPC you can
>>> define your own IP subnets and it can overlap with other customers, so
>>> basically everyone can have their own <> for 
>>> example.
>>> "They are known to be running multiple copies of RFC-1918 in disparate
>>> localities already. In terms of scale, modulo the nightmare that must
>>> make of their management network and the fragility of what happens
>>> when company A in datacenter A wants to talk to company A in
>>> datacenter B and they both have the same 10-NET addresses"
>>> Andras
>>>> On Sun, May 31, 2015 at 7:18 PM, Matt Palmer < 
>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>> On Sun, May 31, 2015 at 01:38:05AM +1000, Andras Toth wrote:
>>>>> Perhaps if that energy which was spent on raging, instead was spent on
>>>>> a Google search, then all those words would've been unnecessary.
>>>>> Official documentation:
>>>>> <>
>>>> Congratulations, you've managed to find exactly the same info as Owen
>>>> already covered:
>>>> "Load balancers in a VPC support IPv4 addresses only."
>>>> and
>>>> "Load balancers in EC2-Classic support both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses."
>>>> - Matt

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