On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 7:05 AM, Sebastian Spies
<> wrote:
> sorry, for the double post. dmarc fuckup...
> Hey there,
> considering the state of this discussion, BIRD seems to be the only
> scalable solution to be used as a route server at IXPs. I have built a
> large code base around BGP for the hoofprints project [1] and BRITE [2]
> and would enjoy building another state-of-the-art open-source
> route-server implementation for IXPs. Would you be so kind to send me
> your feedback on this idea? Do you think, it makes sense to pursue such
> a project or is it not relevant enough for you?
> Best regards,
> Sebastian
> 1:
> 2:
> Am 25.04.2015 um 22:06 schrieb Goran Slaviæ:
>> Andy,
>>       Believe me when I say: I would never have the idea to think about
>> attempting to try to test my ability to generate configurations for this "2
>> route servers/ 2 different programs that run them" solution without the IXP
>> Manager :-)
>>       I am familiar with the work INEX has been doing with IXP Manager and
>> have for some time attempted to find time from regular SOX operation to
>> implement it in our IX. This migration gives me the excellent opportunity
>> and arguments to finally allocate time, resources and manpower for
>> installation and implementation of IXP Manager as the route server
>> configuration generator at SOX.
>>       Regards
>>       G.Slavic
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Andy Davidson []
>> Sent: Saturday, 25 April 2015 21:34
>> To: Goran Slaviæ
>> Cc:
>> Subject: Re: Euro-IX quagga stable download and implementation
>> On 25 Apr 2015, at 15:16, Goran Slaviæ <> wrote:
>>>      Considering what I have learned in your posts (and on other places
>>> that I have informed myself) I will definitely suggest to SOX management
>> to
>>> go the way similar to what LINX did (1 Bird + 1 Quagga as route servers)
>> for
>>> the simple reason that 2 different solution provides more security in
>>> context of "new program update->new bugs" problems and incidents and
>>> prevents other potential problems.
>> Goran - glad to have helped.
>> One last piece of advice which might be useful - to help to guarantee
>> consistency of performance between the two route-servers, you should
>> consider a configuration generator so that your route-server configs are in
>> sync.  The best way to implement this at your exchange is to use IXP
>> Manager, maintained by the awesome folks at the Irish exchange point, INEX.
>> IXP Manager will get you lots of other features as well as good route-server
>> hygiene.
>> There's also a historic perl-script that does this on my personal github.
>> Both of these solutions allow you to filter route-server participants based
>> on IRR data, which has proved to be a life-saver at all of the exchanges I
>> help to operate.  Having my horrible historic thing is maybe better than no
>> thing at all, but I deliberately won't link to it as you should really use
>> IXP Manager. :-)
>> Andy=

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