My experience tells me Martins direction is a good one. You would be
surprised to learn how much time already went into whats out there that
people trust now.

Besides - it has very limited marketing appeal. The IXs number is small.
The big ones already have something working well. I wouldn't implement
something new.  When I chose, I went for something a big network ran for
years. As a result it was reliable and easy to maintain. Had few and
simple problems. Simply ran 2 and had people get a session with both. No
one ever lost routes when I took one down to upgrade - or when we had a
hardware failure.

Thank You
Bob Evans

> On Mon, 4 May 2015, Sebastian Spies wrote:
>> sorry, for the double post. dmarc fuckup...
>> Hey there,
>> considering the state of this discussion, BIRD seems to be the only
>> scalable solution to be used as a route server at IXPs. I have built a
>> large code base around BGP for the hoofprints project [1] and BRITE [2]
>> and would enjoy building another state-of-the-art open-source
>> route-server implementation for IXPs. Would you be so kind to send me
>> your feedback on this idea? Do you think, it makes sense to pursue such
>> a project or is it not relevant enough for you?
> How about (instead of another implementation) helping one of the existing
> projects?
> Writing another implementation is easy. Keeping it up to date, testing
> it and supporting it over multiple years is what I would worry about.
> I would *strongly* suggest to solve that issue first before starting
> on another implementation.
> - Martin

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