You can get adtran 1248b's that run ADSL 2+ for less than 2k still. Then get 
Cisco 887s as end points. That's what I run. 8 meg at 3 miles or so. 

 I am not sure if they make a VDSL or not, but would check them out.


Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 29, 2015, at 7:11 AM, Scott Helms <> wrote:
> They're certainly real, still in use, and deployed world wide but most
> commonly in rural areas.  They aren't particularly cost effective for most
> scenarios, but cheaper than hanging even a mini-DSLAM to service 1-2
> customers that are too far away from a cabinet.  Installing them is a pain
> and keeping them running long term is an even bigger pain.  Certain models
> don't work well with specific DSLAMs and/or in specific plant combinations
> so testing with your DSLAMs, modems, and in your plant is a must.
> Scott Helms
> Vice President of Technology
> ZCorum
> (678) 507-5000
> --------------------------------
> --------------------------------
> On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 5:24 PM, Jean-Francois Mezei <
>> wrote:
>> A friend on a rural DSl association asked about ADSL line extenders.
>> A search on Google yields many products dating back to the days of
>> ADSL-1 advertising 1mbps profiles, but a few seem more recent and
>> support ADSL2+ (not sure if any support VDSL2).
>> Are these thing out of date and no longer deployed ? Were they ever
>> effective, or just vapourware that didn't really improve things ?
>> Do any Telcos still deploy them ?  Anyone know of deployments in Canada ?
>> I just need a reality check on those devices.
>> jf

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