I know a couple of LECs that use these with success: http://actelis.com/actelis-products/broadband-amplifiers/
On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 4:24 PM, Jean-Francois Mezei < jfmezei_na...@vaxination.ca> wrote: > > A friend on a rural DSl association asked about ADSL line extenders. > > A search on Google yields many products dating back to the days of > ADSL-1 advertising 1mbps profiles, but a few seem more recent and > support ADSL2+ (not sure if any support VDSL2). > > Are these thing out of date and no longer deployed ? Were they ever > effective, or just vapourware that didn't really improve things ? > > > Do any Telcos still deploy them ? Anyone know of deployments in Canada ? > > I just need a reality check on those devices. > > jf >