Thanks for sharing. First time I saw 10G BiDi optics at 80 km. I needed them for an application a few months ago and had to take a new approach when I only could find 60 km ones. Frank -----Original Message----- From: NANOG [] On Behalf Of Baldur Norddahl Sent: Saturday, March 28, 2015 11:52 AM To: Rodrigo Augusto Cc: nanog Subject: Re: booster to gain distance above 60km Hi The easy way to get 63 km is to use a SFP+ module that is rated for 63 km. Fiberstore has 60 km BIDI SFP+ for USD 325 and 80 km BIDI for USD 425. If you want to use a booster you would need DWDM modules instead. And you have to add in the DWDM splitter and two boosters. For each end of the link it would be USD 435 for the SFP+ module, USD 174 for the BIDI DWDM splitter in a rack chassis and USD 1300 for a 13 dBm output booster. So - forget about the booster and just get the 80 km BIDI modules. Regards, Baldur On 26 March 2015 at 13:07, Rodrigo Augusto <> wrote: > Hi folksŠ we have a point and have a 63km between point A to point BŠ. We > have a sigle fiber ( only one fiber) and use a fiberstore sfp+ 10GB dibi > 1270/1330 module to connect these sites. All attenuation are okŠI don¹t > have > any trouble on fiber Š. > I have received this signal on my sfp+: > > Receiver signal average optical power : 0.0026 mW / -25.85 dBm > > > Does anyone know if have some possible to amplifier this scenario to get > more 7db ? Is it possible to put any booster or any way to solve this? > I think to use a optical PreAmlifierŠbut I don¹t know if is possible > because > my scenario have just one fiberŠor, use a ROPA- remote optical pumping > amplifier) because I have 63kmŠ > Does anyone have some idea? > > Rodrigo Augusto > Gestor de T.I. Grupo Connectoway > <> > <> > * <> > ( (81) 3497-6060 > ( (81) 8184-3646 > ( INOC-DBA 52965*100 > > >