Hi folksŠ we have a point and have a 63km between point A to point BŠ. We
have a sigle fiber ( only one fiber) and use a fiberstore sfp+ 10GB dibi
1270/1330 module to connect these sites. All attenuation are okŠI don¹t have
any trouble on fiber Š.
I have received this signal on my sfp+:

Receiver signal average optical power     :  0.0026 mW / -25.85 dBm

Does anyone know if have some possible to amplifier this scenario to get
more 7db ? Is it possible to put any booster or any way to solve this?
I think to use a optical PreAmlifierŠbut I don¹t know if is possible because
my scenario have just one fiberŠor, use a ROPA- remote optical pumping
amplifier) because I have 63kmŠ
Does anyone have some idea?

Rodrigo Augusto
Gestor de T.I. Grupo Connectoway
http://www.connectoway.com.br <http://www.connectoway.com.br/>
http://www.1telecom.com.br <http://www.1telecom.com.br/>
* rodr...@connectoway.com.br <mailto:rodr...@connectoway.com.br>
( (81) 3497-6060
( (81) 8184-3646
( INOC-DBA 52965*100

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