fttc in uk works great for client code push remote installs , even faster than 
some offices since the fibre nodes are less contended.
seen 18mb up work fine and sustained with voip in parallel as well

Sent from my iPhone

On 3 Mar 2015, at 16:20, Tim Franklin <t...@pelican.org> wrote:

>> I meant that on the Internet as a whole it is unusual for such speeds to
>> actually be realized in practice due to various issues.
>> 8-10Mb/s seems to be what one can expect without going to distributed
>> protocols.
> Really?  I have 2 x VDSL (40/10) to my house, running MLPPP.  I can get a 
> sustained 60M down or 15M up on a single stream without a lot of difficulty.  
> It does typically need both ends to be aware of window scaling, or you start 
> to run up against the LFN problem, but other than that it's nothing beyond 
> regular HTTP, FTP, SCP, CIFS, ...
> 15M upstream *utterly* transforms working from home where all the files I'm 
> working on are on a remote file server.  Autosave is no longer a cue for a 
> 5-10 minute tea-break.
> Regards,
> Tim.

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