-----Original Message-----
From: NANOG [mailto:nanog-boun...@nanog.org] On Behalf Of Owen DeLong
Sent: Saturday, 28 February, 2015 14:02
To: Lamar Owen
Cc: nanog@nanog.org
Subject: Re: Verizon Policy Statement on Net Neutrality
In the same way, I don't like the BASIS for this authority... and what
it potentially means in the long term... besides what they state that
they intend to do with this new authority they've appointed themselves in
the short term.
Had some people not apparently taken advantage of the situation as it
existed before the proceeding in docket 14-28, it's likely no regulatory
actions would have been initiated.
There seems to be a lot of forgotten history in this discussion...
The FCC tried a light-weight low-touch form of open internet regulation.
$CABLECOs sued them and got it eliminated.
Then they tried a different light-weight low-touch form of open internet
$TELCOs sued them and got it eliminated.
They were left with two basic choices at that point:
1. Allow the $TELCO and $CABLECO abuses working against an open
internet to continue, which, frankly
is what most of the more cynical among us expected, especially
when Wheeler (who has traditionally been
a mouthpiece for the $CABLE_LOBBY) announced his initial fast-
lane proposal.
2. Use real authority and real regulations that exist and make
the internet subject to those regulations, which
appears to be what actually happened.
I'm not cheerleading by any means; I would much prefer less regulation
than more in almost every situation; but the simple fact is that people
do tend to abuse the lack of regulations long enough for regulatory
agencies to take notice, and then everyone loses when regulations come.
In this particular case, I think it is primarily
$INCUMBENT_OLIGOPOLY_PROVIDERs which lose. As near as I can tell from
what is in the actual regulations, everyone else pretty much wins. Yes,
there are probably some tradeoffs and I'm sure that the incumbents will
attempt to find ways to make this as painful as possible for consumers
while they throw their typical temper tantrums. (Think they're above
temper tantrums, then look at Verizon's blog in morse code.)
Reading the R&O once it is released will be very interesting, at least
in my opinion, since we'll get a glimpse into the rationale and the
thought processes that went into each paragraph and subparagraph of this
new section in 47CFR. I'm most interested in the rationale behind the
pleading requirements, like requiring complainants to serve the
complaint by hand delivery on the named defendant, requiring the
complainant to serve two copies on the Market Disputes Resolution
Division of the EB, etc. This seems to be a pretty high bar to filing a
complaint; it's not like you can just fill out a form on the FCC website
to report your ISP for violating 47CFR§8. Heh, part of the rationale
might be the fact that they got over 2 million filings on this
I suspect that they want to be able to take real complaints seriously and
not waste resources on a large number of frivolous complaints. Since the
intent is to primarily deal with the B2B interactions between content and
service providers where one is abusing the other to the detriment of the
end-users, I suspect all the intended players have the resources to
comply with the filing requirements fairly easily, but it prevents every
Tom, Dick, and Johnny with a web browser from becoming an expensive PITA.
Sort of a "You must be this tall to ride" process, for lack of a better
term. However, that's pure speculation on my part, and
I agree reading the actual R&O will be interesting.
Overall, I think this may well be the first (mostly) functional
regulatory process to occur in recent memory.