More symmetry will happen when the home user does more things that care about 
symmetry. It's a simple allocation of spectrum (whether wireless, DSL or 
cable). MHz for upload are taken out of MHz for download. 

Mike Hammett 
Intelligent Computing Solutions 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Bruce H McIntosh" <> 
To: "NANOG" <> 
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2015 11:03:35 AM 
Subject: Re: Verizon Policy Statement on Net Neutrality 

On 2015-02-27 11:45, Mike Hammett wrote: 
> What about ISPs that aren't world-class dicks? 
The REAL evil in the ISP marketplace is, of course, essentially entirely 
unremarked-upon - ASYMMETRY. For the Internet, as such, truly to live 
up to its promise to continue to revolutionize the world through free 
exchange of ideas, information, data and so forth, Joe Average User 
*MUST* have the same pipes going UP as he does coming DOWN. Just as an 
example, my service at home is what, 50 down/5 up? That structure is 
less conducive to free interchange and more conducive to the 
Big-Brother™-seal-of-approval mindless consumption of whatever content 
THEY™ deem necessary and sufficient to keep the bread and circus masses 
dull and uninvolved. Plus, the slow uplink speeds make remote backups 
dreadfully impractical for the home user. So let's see some symmetry in 
the offerings, ISPs, ok? 

Bruce H. McIntosh 
Senior Network Engineer 
University of Florida Network Services 352-273-1066 

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