Subject: Re: v6 deagg Date: Sat, Feb 21, 2015 at 01:48:48PM +0100 Quoting 
Sander Steffann (

> > However, apparently there is no such process or intention available
> > from the RIR in question (RIPE), short of explicitly asking for that
> > specific prefix.
> So you asked to grow the /48 to a /47? Was it accepted? Or did you want the 
> RIR to automatically grow your first assignment when you request a second one 
> without you having to ask?

So far have just discussed it with my LIR, but will reinit this. 
> > Of course this does not help every case, but supporting aggregation
> > where possible certainly ought to be in-scope for most policy-making
> > bodies in this area.
> Then please take this to the appropriate policy-making body: 
> :-)

Considering this as well. 

Måns Nilsson     primary/secondary/besserwisser/machina
MN-1334-RIPE                             +46 705 989668
... this must be what it's like to be a COLLEGE GRADUATE!!

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