Subject: Re: v6 deagg Date: Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 10:42:03AM +0100 Quoting 
Mikael Abrahamsson (
> From a technical point of view, I have little interest in my router
> handling the fact that an office at the other side of the planet
> shut down their router, and learning this via DFZ.

I'm working at one of those organisations who have a /48 and am announcing
it into DFZ. We have a situation where I might have another site with
separate connectivity to the DFZ (but there is internal networking)
which would entitle me to another /48 according to RIR rules. 

I did ask my LIR whether there is any thought given to the possibility of
getting the next higher prefix, thus creating a /47. They did understand
the "why" perfectly well, of course.

However, apparently there is no such process or intention available
from the RIR in question (RIPE), short of explicitly asking for that
specific prefix.

Of course this does not help every case, but supporting aggregation
where possible certainly ought to be in-scope for most policy-making
bodies in this area.

Måns Nilsson     primary/secondary/besserwisser/machina
MN-1334-RIPE                             +46 705 989668
I'm wearing PAMPERS!!

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