On 20/Feb/15 02:36, George, Wes wrote: > > The document has come out the other side of the IETF sausage grinder now: > https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7439 > > Unfortunately, it's just a list of the gaps. > It is worth leaning on your vendors of choice to ensure that they have > people focused on addressing these issues, as not all of them have > volunteers to write the documents necessary to close those gaps yet.
Looking at how long it has taken the community to react to the LDPv6 draft (been chasing everyone since 2007, personally), my priority to get a working MPLSv6 domain has gone from 1 to a lot lower. I'd like to see it get done, but I'm going to be focusing on getting better native IPv6 in the code/hardware before I chase the vendors for a working MPLSv6 solution. They just have no interest because there is no incremental revenue - and given the community are focused on other things, threatening not to buy kit due to lack of MPLSv6 support is not a practical avenue, unfortunately. Mark.