Perhaps we should balance that against what a subscriber might pay for
bandwidth while away from home, especially in Europe.
On Dec 11, 2014 6:35 PM, "Larry Sheldon" <> wrote:

> On 12/11/2014 16:29, Jay Ashworth wrote:
>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Larry Sheldon" <>
>>  On 12/11/2014 07:10, William Herrin wrote:
>>>  What Comcast is stealing is electricity. Pennies per customer times
>>>> a boatload of customers.
>>> .....and floorspace, physical security, air conditioning, and all
>>> sorts of labor overheads.
>> Nope; at that stage, Larry, you're makin it up.
>> In the particular case we're talking about here, Comcast -- who are not my
>> favorite people by any means -- have *enabled a feature built into the
>> terminal device they're provisioning*.  It *might* increase the overall
>> power consumption of that device by as much as 5-10 Wh/*month*.  The
>> increase in A/C won't register on the chart.  Physical security is no
>> different
>> than it was otherwise: none.  And floorspace and labor?  It is, as they
>> say,
>> to laugh.
>> If we want to diss Comcast, let us not descend to things they *are not*
>> doing;
>> there are plenty of dissable things they *are* doing.
> Do me a favor and re-write your message from the standpoint of what the
> "provider" would have to pay for if they were not extorting the customers.
> You don't need to respond unless that changes your thinking.
> --
> The unique Characteristics of System Administrators:
> The fact that they are infallible; and,
> The fact that they learn from their mistakes.
> Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

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