The technical aside, you could make it opt in and let people who opted in
use the public network free, and charge people not signed up or not even
Comcast customers for profit. This way it makes it feel more like building
a community to the consumer rather than big biz pulling one over on the
little guy.

On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 10:55 PM, Phil Bedard <> wrote:

> It won't overlap with the one you are using for yourself on the same
> device.
> DOCSIS has service flows with different priorities.  I don't know if they
> are allocating specific channels for it or if it's just a different service
> flow, but either way it is a lower priority and should not cause contention
> with regular user traffic.
> Really it is just the power they seem to be complaining about.
> Phil
> ------------------------------
> From: Harald Koch <>
> Sent: ‎12/‎10/‎2014 10:21 PM
> To: Mr Bugs <>
> Cc: NANOG list <>
> Subject: Re: Comcast thinks it ok to install public wifi in your house
> On 10 December 2014 at 21:50, Mr Bugs <> wrote:
> > however they use a separate DOCSIS and 802.11 channel so if would follow
> > that it would be a separate IP tied to comcast corporate and not the
> > subscriber as well as not taking up your bandwidth.
> IIRC there are only three non-overlapping channels on 802.11g and six on
> 802.11n; I can see more networks than that from my basement.
> I haven't been keeping up with the technology, but in the ancient of days
> wasn't the uplink side of DOCSIS also a limited-bandwidth, shared resource?
> --
> Harald

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