In message <>, Jean-Francois Mezei writes:
> On 14-12-11 17:44, Mark Andrews wrote:
> > What space?  It is the WiFi modem you are already using.  Unless
> > it requires a seperate external aerial I don't see any extra space.
> Matter of principle. Comcast are using space/power/shelter in your home
> to create a service which they market for their own benefit. ATM
> companies have to pay rent to place a standalone ATM in a convenience
> store or shopping mall.

This is not a standalone device.  This is a virtual device which
you control whether it is on or off.

> Now, had Comcast pitched it as the Wi-Fi benefiting YOU because your
> freinds you use their Comcast credentials to access your Wi-Fi, then
> customers would not see this as Comcast using your hardware for its own
> benefit.

They do.  Your friends don't even need to be Comcast customers.
That said allowing the home owner to remove the time limits for
their guests would make this similar to the home owner having a
Guest SSID.

> But pitching the service as allowing strangers on the street to use your
> router has huge perception problem, even if the hardware implementation
> doesn't really impact you.
> Consider how differently the service would be perceived if:
> Comcast had announced you get $3.00 rebate per month to enable Xfinity
> on your account. An opt-in with financial incentive would have had far
> greater success and positive media than what they are getting now.
Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET:

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