Many read, but what choice do they have. In many cases Comcast is the only game in town and it is either agree, or have no "real" internet access at all.

I am one that has opposed the auto opt-in of this setup. The main reason is that Comcast wants up to foot the bill for power and space for their benefit. While, yes, it is very minimal, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. By that I mean why shouldn't we be able to nickel and dime them like they do to us. We pay for internet access and they want to charge us for access AND to lease equipment. Yeah, sure, if you are a residential user or a business class user without a static ip, then you can go out and purchase your own device. But if you have BCI with static IP's then you are screwed. I have the 50/10 BCI with 5 static IP's and then I have to pay an additional $12.95 per month just for the crappy SMC device. If I remember correctly, residential pays $8.95 per month.

Equipment should be included in the cost of the service, and always was in the past. But yet, Comcast has decided to nickel and dime us to death for everything, not just modem rentals.


On Thu, 11 Dec 2014 08:17:19 -0500
 Scott Helms <> wrote:
Not a law, it's in their updated terms and conditions that no one reads.
On Dec 11, 2014 8:12 AM, "William Herrin" <> wrote:

On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 9:35 PM, Jeroen van Aart <> wrote: > Whose fault would it be if your comcast installed public wifi would be > abused to download illegal material or launch a botnet, to name some
> fun one could have on your behalf. :-/

Doesn't work that way. Separate authenticated channel. Presents
differently from you with a different IP address out on the Internet.

What Comcast is stealing is electricity. Pennies per customer times a
boatload of customers.

theft n. the generic term for all crimes in which a person
intentionally and fraudulently takes personal property of another
without permission or consent and with the intent to convert it to the
taker's use (including potential sale). In many states, if the value
of the property taken is low (for example, less than $500) the crime
is "petty theft,"

Unless of course the knucklehead jurisdiction passed a law to allow
it. I'm betting they didn't.

Bill Herrin

William Herrin ................
Owner, Dirtside Systems ......... Web: <>
May I solve your unusual networking challenges?

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