
You're spot on. I don't understand this griping. The flip side is that as a(n) 
happy xfinity customer I get to roam in lots of places around the US (and maybe 
even abroad),  as do all of the xfinity home customers. This isn't a paid 
service... It's a byproduct of being a cable customer. I'm happy to pay a few 
pennies a day. 

The only challenge I see is the issue around wifi congestion. In my DC condo 
building there are a couple of hundred xfinity cable modem customers, mostly 
with wifi. However, with a little bit of work with the comcast techs, our 
neighborhood is pretty happy. Tip of the hat to Jason and Mike O'. 

> On Dec 11, 2014, at 12:01 PM, Randy Bush <ra...@psg.com> wrote:
> darn.  i shoulda used a comcast cable modem instead of my own so i could
> provide this service to neighbors.  ah well.  i do put up a non-wpa
> ssid, but don't like the non-wpa.
> randy

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