I think it's more than AC power issue....who knows what strength level
they program that SSID to work at ?  More wifi signal you are exposed to
without your knowledge and more...read on.

I have Comcast & ATT internet at home...and I have noticed an xfinitywifi
ssid at full strength. This tread brought it to my attention. It was not
there when installed.

Over the last few months, I have noticed on many occasions my attached
storage device flashing as it's accessed but never found anything on my
LAN using it. So I removed it from my LAN. In addition, I have the blast
service 100 meg/sec.. Sites slow down often. The modem's cpu processor and
cache is not used just for me as part of my service !

Gee, before bandwidth considerations, that's a bottle neck, isn't it ?

Docsis is limited to bandwidth in neighborhoods based on headend and
street plant configurations.

Why would I, while paying for service want to encourage others to drop in
my neighborhood or house to use the wifi - the cpu bandwidth of the
wireless device and it's cache ?

If you tell me these Docsis modems can do 200 meg/sec I would be
surprised. This would explain why I see poor downloads of on-demand movies
on directTV.

BTW, I founded ISP channel ...the cable modem company before ATT created
@Home to compete. So I am very aware of the network devices limitations,
cable plant wiring structures and headend physical limitations.

However, I have not studied these new Docsis modems. So how do I shut the
xfinitywifi SSID?

Thank You
Bob Evans

> On Thu, 11 Dec 2014 09:24:10 -0500
> valdis.kletni...@vt.edu wrote:
>> On Thu, 11 Dec 2014 00:11:07 -0500, Jay Ashworth said:
>> > I will give them their props: I only had to sign in *once*, last
>> > year; their auth controller has recognized my MAC address at every
>> > spot I've used since.
>> Actually, that's sort of scary if you think about it too hard.
>> Shared-secret authentication has its flaws, but it still beats
>> shared-nonsecret auth.
>> I really hope it's something on your laptop other than the mac
>> address....
> It's not - Cablevision allow you to register devices via their
> website.... by mac address.

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