Nope, it's just super intermittent resolved once and cached it
apparently, but still SERVFAIL most of the time if you try repeatedly...
Try too.
On 07/12/14 12:58 PM, Ken Chase wrote:
it just started working properly I think. yes, tested from 6 even and odd ips
on 3 different AS's (that all go through Torix though).
On Sun, Dec 07, 2014 at 03:51:16PM -0200, Rubens Kuhl said:
>> Maybe a geo-specific issue then, which is even more weird, because it's
>> still not working for me from two different ASs, though both in Toronto,
>> and a traceroute makes it appear like they're not hitting the same nodes
>> (but maybe they are).
>> What's even more weird is I can actually resolve one domain,
>>, but still not and others.
>Last time we had weird DNS issues with GoDaddy, it was dependent on the
>querying IP address due to load-balancing issues on their side. Try issuing
>queries from even and odd IP addresses to see if that makes any difference.
Ken Chase - - Toronto Canada
Erik Levinson
CTO, Uberflip
416-900-3830 x2009
1183 King Street West, Suite 100
Toronto ON M6K 3C5