On 07/12/14 12:19 PM, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
Since Google Public DNS validates, and Go Daddy supports DNSSEC, it
would be useful to test with dig +cd (Checking Disabled) to determine
if it is a DNSSEC problem or not.
Tried, still SERVFAIL. I succeeds with +trace though...
You can look at targetly.co as one example (should be just an A
record to but getting SERVFAIL when querying
Works for me
Maybe a geo-specific issue then, which is even more weird, because it's
still not working for me from two different ASs, though both in Toronto,
and a traceroute makes it appear like they're not hitting the same nodes
(but maybe they are).
What's even more weird is I can actually resolve one domain,
startupong.com, but still not targetly.co and others.
Erik Levinson
CTO, Uberflip
1183 King Street West, Suite 100
Toronto ON M6K 3C5