On 12/4/14, 10:35 AM, "Andrew Gallo" <akg1...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Honestly, that's what I'm trying to figure out as well.  In my informal
>conversations, what I got was that lawyers read the agreement, said 'no,
>we wont sign it' and then dropped it.  If specific legal feedback isn't
>making it back to ARIN, then we need to start providing it, otherwise,
>the agreement will stand.

For my part, I have had discussions with ARIN's internal legal council and
other staff about our specific concerns and how to address them, and
intend to continue doing so, as I agree that this won't get solved if we
just say "unacceptable" and drop the subject. That said, this is harder to
manage because it doesn't fall into the existing ARIN policy development
process, so the community doesn't have as direct of a voice on changes to
the policies. I can't just submit a policy proposal to change how ARIN
words its RPA, who is bound by it, and how ARIN provides RPKI services.
Those are operational matters, implemented by the staff, governed by the
board, who is informed by their legal council and staff. That is part of
the reason why I brought some of the issues to the NANOG community, since
interaction with ARIN board members and staff is what's necessary to make
sure the concerns are addressed, and thus it benefits from wider

I'll try to go through your survey as well.



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