+1  There are several guys doing Fiber.  WISPA has workshops and such as


Justin Wilson <j...@mtin.net>
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On 11/9/14, 10:25 PM, "Faisal Imtiaz" <fai...@snappytelecom.net> wrote:

>I would suggest that you do some rapid field deployment education in
>regards to fiber networks.
>You might consider joining  WISPA and or FISPA (two industry
>associations), where you have folks building out fiber networks, who are
>very willing to share their experience and tell you what is working and
>what is not working.
>Working with Dark fiber can be as simple as you like, or as complicated
>as you want it to be. However this is one area that it is not un-common
>to make things appear a lot more expensive and complicated then what they
>have to be...
>Depending on what you are inheriting, and what you have to be responsible
>for, I would suggest that you spend some time on the web, local library,
>and some of the OSP related publications to get a good understanding of
>what is done and why....before just falling for industry jargon.
>I should be fun... :)
>Faisal Imtiaz
>Snappy Internet & Telecom
>----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Lorell Hathcock" <lor...@hathcock.org>
>> To: nanog@nanog.org
>> Sent: Sunday, November 9, 2014 9:18:15 PM
>> Subject: I am about to inherit 26 miles of dark fiber. What do I do
>>with it?
>> All:
>> A job opportunity just came my way to work with 26 miles of dark fiber
>>in and
>> around a city in Texas.
>> The intent is for me to deliver internet and private network services to
>> business customers in this area.
>> I relish the thought of starting from scratch to build a network right
>> the start instead of inheriting and fixing someone else's mess.
>> That being said, what suggestions does the group have for building a new
>> network using existing dark fiber?
>> MPLS backbone?  Like all businesses these days, I will likely have to
>> the lit backbone as I add customers. So how would you recommend scaling
>> network?
>> I have six strands of SMF that connect within municipal facilities.
>>Each new
>> customer will be a new build out from the nearest point. Because of
>> only six strands, I don't anticipate selling dark fiber. I believe I
>>need to
>> conserve fibers so that it would be lit services that I offer to
>> I would like to offer speeds up to 10 GB.
>> Thoughts are appreciated!
>> Sincerely,
>> Lorell Hathcock

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