OutSide Plant design(OSP) is a specialized field worthy of significant study. The consequences of getting a OSP design wrong are much harder to fix than getting a network design wrong. You are designing for *20 years*. If you are at the point of asking a mailing list NANOG, which, um, is not focused on OSP expertise, it is a really, really good idea to concentrate on hiring the best consultant.
I have viewed this train wreck too many times. On Sun, Nov 9, 2014 at 10:49 PM, Scott Weeks <sur...@mauigateway.com> wrote: > > > --- fkitt...@gwi.net wrote: > From: Fletcher Kittredge <fkitt...@gwi.net> > > The below is a really sad story. Condolences on the coming trainwreck. I > hope you get someone on staff or on consult that understands outside plant > architecture, because it is much more important and complex topic than you > seem to realize. > ----------------------------------------- > > > Help guide and build knowledge instead of publicly beat down. > > scott > -- Fletcher Kittredge GWI 8 Pomerleau Street Biddeford, ME 04005-9457 207-602-1134