On Wed, 22 Oct 2014 20:45:01 -0500, Jeffrey Ollie said:

> As I've already said a couple of times, systemd does not force a
> particular NTP implementation on you.  It comes with one (timedated),
> and has a utility to manage it (timedatectl) but the admin can install
> and use a different one if they like.

Yeah, and if you want anything else to integrate in with systemd other than the
supplied SNTP, you can pretty much go pound sand, according to Marcel Holtmann:

"So this means that you get a really good basis where clocks are synchronized.
If you want something better, you can install it. It is a waste of time trying
to integrate anything else than timesyncd since if you use anything else, you
will manually configure it and use its advanced options. If you do not need the
advanced features, then why install other NTP clients in the first place."


You should read the whole thread at freedesktop - it's pretty obvious that
there's a really heavy bias towards "we have a solution that's good for
desktops, and if you have a different use case, go pound sand".

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